3 min read

Goals for 2021

I’m not really one to make new years resolutions or goals as I’m more about the big picture and a longtime outlook but I’ve decided to come up with a small list of things I would like to achieve or at least make strides towards in the coming year.

I want to learn what it means to be a father because I think I have a idea in my head but reality is often proves to be different to what we envision. I want to be the best dad that I can be, because I feel like there is no higher calling.

I definitely want to concentrate more on my physical health and fitness this year, especially after the past year with lockdowns and a wife is pregnant craving everything, our takeaway consumption in the last year has skyrocketed and with gyms being closed and lacking motivation to workout at home. So health and fitness is something I definitely want to prioritise in the next year. This should help with the first point too, being the best that I can be and so I can be around for him for as long as possible.

I would like to build up a more steady alternative income source because right now I only have the one stream of income which is my main job. I think it’s important that you have multiple streams of income because if one fails or starts falling behind for some you have the others as a crutch. What that will be I don’t know but had a couple of one-off products to launch soon, pieces that have added value for me.

I would like to write on this blog more. I’m setting myself a soft target of one post a month and a stretch goal off one post a week. I know that’s a massive difference but I’m bad writing in general and I think finding time to execute will get will be harder in the coming months with a newborn who is due to be with us any week.

Finally, I want to be kinder to people and show more empathy because I think the world is lacking in this right now and I would like to see more in the world and I think the best way to see more of what you want, is to put it out there myself.

So yeah, those are my small goals for 2020. I will be publishing my updated five year plan for 2021-2025 soon.