1 min read


It is Sunday, August 9 2020, though I’m posting this the next day because I’ve only just built the blog section of this website.

So I’m sitting here at home during COVID-19, which I’m sure you all are experiencing as well. And I’ve decided to start a blog to document my life.

Talk about things I’m interested in and any thoughts I may have.

I suppose I should say a bit about who I am, and this can serve as my “about me” section. My name is Axl Crawford, I’m 28 years old. I’m going to be a father early next year and soon to be a home owner and I’m a full time web developer in Birmingham, UK.

I got married last year to Didi, she’ll come up from time to time I’m sure.

As for topics that I will probably end up discussing; Web, as that’s my job. Finance, personal finance, specifically because I find it really interesting and I’m on my own journey right now, Technology and I’m really interested in minimalism, because I believe that is an ideology that I lean towards.

See you in the next post.